The SAE International (SAE) MAC Refrigerant Blend Cooperative Research Program [MRB CRP], comprising a group of leading global vehicle OEMs plus Tier One suppliers, has continued its assessment of the operating, technical and safety performance of low GWP blended refrigerants (AC5 and AC6) developed by Mexichem, and based upon R-1234zeE. At meetings held in Paris on 3rd-6th June 2013 the team gave extensive review to Phase 3 of its detailed fault tree analysis, which is focusing on blended refrigerant AC6. MRB CRP has already reported on the reduced flammability of AC6 as compared with R-1234yf. To refine this fault tree analysis two additional programs of experimental work have been commissioned for execution over the next three months, including trials to extend the understanding of the real world flammability characteristics of AC5, AC6 and R-1234yf.
The MRB CRP team also confirms its intention to issue a technical White Paper for these blends, based upon the information previously reported at SAE Thermal Management System Symposium (TMSS) in October 2012, and more recently updated at UNEP Round Table on New Technology in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning held in Milan on 7 June 2013. This White Paper will be made available on the SAE website during June 2013.
Additionally during the Paris meeting the MRB CRP team undertook supplier site visits to progress and finalise the development of refrigerant production filling equipment. Together with the work to validate new MAC service equipment, this activity will be completed in Q3 ready to be presented at the SAE TMSS in October 2013. Work is also under way in cooperation with the SAE Interior Climate Control Standards Committee to finalise standards that apply to these new refrigerants.