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Suzuki November 2023 automobile production, sales, and export figures

Suzuki November 2023 automobile production, sales, and export figures


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Nov.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Nov.
Global production 262,799 96.8% Down for the first time in two months 2,995,900 101.9% 2,163,186 100.9%
Japan production 90,896 102.9% Up for the ninth consecutive month 907,264 108.4% 658,494 105.8%
Overseas production 171,903 93.8% Down for the first time in two months 2,088,636 99.4% 1,504,692 98.9%
India 147,729 96.8% Down for the first time in two months 1,813,259 101.2% 1,313,394 101.3%
Others 24,174 78.9% Down for the ninth consecutive month 275,377 88.6% 191,298 85.0%

*Japan production: Complete built-up (CBU) units that include OEM units + complete knocked-down (CKD) units
*Overseas production: Units completed at overseas plants that exclude CKD units from Japan

  • Japan production:
    Increased year-on-year owing to increase in production for the overseas market.
  • Overseas production:
    Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in production in countries such as India, etc., despite increase in Hungary.


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Nov.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Nov.
Global sales 250,245 95.3% Down for the first time in five months 2,859,437 104.4% 2,069,274 104.5%
Japan sales 55,362 95.2% Down for the first time in 18 months 603,785 109.2% 422,525 106.7%
Minivehicles 46,267 95.6% Down for the second consecutive month 493,532 107.1% 348,887 105.5%
Standard and
small vehicles
9,095 93.2% Down for the first time in 18 months 110,253 119.8% 73,638 112.6%
Overseas sales 194,883 95.4% Down for the first time in five months 2,255,652 103.2% 1,646,749 103.9%
India 136,667 101.2% Up for the eighth consecutive month 1,636,188 109.1% 1,197,211 109.6%
Others 58,216 84.0% Down for the second consecutive month 619,464 90.3% 449,538 91.3%

*Minivehicle: Small-sized car unique to Japan with an overall length of 3.4m or less, an overall width of 1.48m or less, an overall height of 2m or less, and an engine displacement of 660cc or less.
*Standard and small vehicle: Car that exceeds the above minivehicle specification.
*India: Indian domestic wholesales figures.

  • Japan sales:
    Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in sales of both mini vehicles and standard and small vehicles.
  • Overseas sales:
    Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in sales in Pakistan, despite increase in India and Europe.


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Nov.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Nov.
Exports 20,634 109.2% Up for the third consecutive month 214,457 103.9% 150,096 96.4%

*Total of exported CBU units + CKD units.

  • Increased year-on-year owing to increase in exports to Europe, etc.

*The figures shown are preliminary.

SOURCE: Suzuki

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