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Toyota: We’re putting our history online!

Toyota is digging into its archives, and we are currently uploading a treasure trove of photos documenting our history for you to enjoy. You can learn about our founders, origins, classic cars, and more. You can access the archives here We aim to continue adding photos, so keep checking back for more fascinating insights … Continued

Toyota is digging into its archives, and we are currently uploading a treasure trove of photos documenting our history for you to enjoy. You can learn about our founders, origins, classic cars, and more.

You can access the archives here

We aim to continue adding photos, so keep checking back for more fascinating insights into our history!

  • People
    Images of Sakichi Toyoda and Kiichiro Toyoda, who laid the foundations of Toyota today
  • Loom Works
    Loom Works
    Images of the wooden Toyota hand loom, first invented by Sakichi Toyoda, and the Type G Automatic Loom, which was top in its class in terms of overall price and performance in its time
  • Events
    Images of various events and milestones that took place in the history of Toyota from the time of its foundation to the present day
  • Facility
    Images of the domestic and overseas production sites (including the Koromo Plant, completed in 1938) and office buildings at the time of their completion
  • Vehicles
    Images of successive generations of Toyota’s vehicle models, starting from Toyota’s first production passenger vehicle, the Toyoda Model AA
  • Toyota Museum
    Toyota Museum
    Images of the Toyota Museum, which preserves and exhibits displays spanning from the birth of the automobile to the present day

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