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Record success in Brazil for Iveco Bus with up to 7,100 vehicles to support school transport program for rural areas

Iveco Bus was selected for the supply of up to 7,100 new school buses over two years, from 2024 to 2025, in the current tender of Brazil's National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE), which aims to guarantee daily access to public schools for students living in rural and riverside areas in Brazil

Iveco Bus was selected for the supply of up to 7,100 new school buses over two years, from 2024 to 2025, in the current tender of Brazil’s National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE), which aims to guarantee daily access to public schools for students living in rural and riverside areas in Brazil.

Iveco Bus will deliver for the first time a batch of 3,500 vehicles in the ORE3 (Rural School Bus 3) category, with a capacity of 59 students, as well as 3,600 vehicles in the ORE2 (Rural School Bus 2) category, with a capacity of 44 students. The vehicles will be equipped with FPT Industrial engines and respectively develop a maximum power of 190 hp for the ORE2 models and 210 hp for the ORE3 versions.

Iveco Bus has been supporting this ambitious transport program developed by the Brazilian Federal Government, known as “Caminho da Escola” (Way to School), with school buses specially designed for this mission. To date, Iveco Bus has nearly 8,000 vehicles operating in the program since its beginning in 2011.

The vehicles supplied by the manufacturer are designed with greater ground clearance, reinforced suspensions, and high rear overhang to travel in rural areas, on unpaved roads and in difficult to access locations. They ensure that passengers are transported with safety, comfort, and quality, helping to improve Brazilian school transport standards and reduce the school dropout rate among students in the most remote rural areas.

Danilo Fetzner – Iveco Bus Business Director for Latin America, said: “We are particularly proud of the renewed confidence in our vehicles for this fundamental school transport program for Brazilian students living in rural areas. Helping states and municipalities to reduce school dropout rates perfectly fits within Iveco Bus’s values of inclusion and diversity, providing mobility for all.


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