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Kongsberg Automotive manufactures non-surgical face masks

Kongsberg Automotive's Interior segment, manufactures non-medical, reusable face masks in factories reconfigured from seat heat mats to mask production in Europe and Mexico

Kongsberg Automotive’s Interior segment, manufactures non-medical, reusable face masks in factories reconfigured from seat heat mats to mask production in Europe and Mexico.

Our masks are machine washable at 90°C, reusable at least 5 times and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. The masks are intended to reduce air born liquid droplets emitted by the wearer from entering the environment around the user. This reduction of user emitted air born liquid droplets into the environment reduces the chances of contamination. The masks are classified as anti-dirt work masks or work wear. The masks are not certified according to medical standards.

All manufacturing is done in a controlled industrial environment, with daily temperature checks of employees who wear masks & gloves and exceed recommended social distancing guidelines. The mask packaging is designed to prevent contamination during transport. Although our masks are not certified as medical grade, we of course use these masks internally in our various plants around the world in order to protect our employees.

The first deliveries of masks have already taken place to municipalities and organizations. We at Kongsberg Automotive are excited about contributing our capabilities and manufacturing expertise towards limiting the spread of the Coronavirus.

Please click here to view the full press release.

SOURCE: Kongsberg Automotive

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