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IVECO celebrates the 700,000th Daily manufactured in Valladolid

The IVECO plant in Valladolid is celebrating: in January, the 700,000th IVECO Daily rolled of the assembly line, three decades after this vehicle entered production at this factory

The IVECO plant in Valladolid is celebrating: in January, the 700,000th IVECO Daily rolled of the assembly line, three decades after this vehicle entered production at this factory. This event is testament to the quality and efficiency of a factory that has evolved continuously and has now positioned itself as a national benchmark in Industry 4.0.

Jose Manuel Jaquotot, manager of the IVECO factory in Valladolid, stated: “The first Daily came off the production line on 11 March 1992 with the eagerness of someone starting a new life project. It has been 30 years of effort, enthusiasm, and hard work, which have maintained the success of the Daily as a product, and of the IVECO Valladolid factory as a successful industrial project which that has provided stability and quality of life to so many families in Valladolid. In addition to this important event, in January we reached the milestone of 700,000 Daily vehicles produced in Valladolid. We will continue working to honour those who have gone before us and to achieve another 30 years of success for the Valladolid factory, and for the IVECO Daily in Spain and in Europe.

More than sixty years of innovation in Valladolid

The Valladolid factory, built in 1955, was acquired by IVECO on 13 September 1990 after being owned by companies such as FADA, SAVA and finally Pegaso. From that moment, it began production of the Daily model. It currently produces 140 Daily vehicles (a model with more than 6,000 product variants) and 150 IVECO S-WAY cabs a day.

The IVECO factory in Valladolid employs some 1,100 people and is regarded as one of the leading automotive companies in the Castile and León region. In 2017 it celebrated its 60th anniversary, looking to the future with a spirit of innovation that has made it a global benchmark of Industry 4.0. Its policy of continuous improvement has allowed it to increase efficiency, quality and adaptability, while promoting innovation in its workforce.

Since 1992, when the first IVECO Daily van was produced in Valladolid, the plant has continued to evolve. According to José Manuel Jaquotot, “innovation and digital transformation are the driving forces of our factory. We are working to become an Industry 4.0 leader and to be a competitive factory, not only within the Iveco Group, but also in the important industrialised region of Castile and León.

In 2019 this factory achieved Gold Level in World Class Manufacturing, an award for the highest level of industrial innovation, recognising its major advances in quality, environmental protection, safety and innovation in the production processes.


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