Hella reports that it is partnering with Bender to develop a new isolation monitor for lithium-ion batteries which facilitates the safe and reliable operation of high voltage batteries for electric and advanced hybrid vehicles.
Hella claims to be leading the market in battery management systems for 12V lead-acid battery sensors, having sold 8 million units since 2003, and says Bender, which has worked on electric isolation monitoring systems for more than 65 years, is recognised globally as an expert in the technology. Hella’s advance in developing an electronic system for monitoring lithium-ion batteries provides battery management algorithms to measure and monitor current, voltage, and temperature. In partnership with Bender, Hella is expanding its product portfolio into the field of high-voltage battery management.
Hella has also shown at the Detroit SAE Convergence conference on 16 October an ‘Enhanced Stop-Start Demonstrator’ which its says includes all of its electronic innovations for enhanced stop-start, vehicle coasting, and regenerative braking and creeping technologies, along with other energy management and emissions-reducing products.