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Lokesh Babu Pundreeka, AE Director, System Verification Group, Cadence confirmed for Connected Car Pune

Lokesh Babu Pundreeka, AE Director, System Verification Group, Cadence has been confirmed as a speaker at Connected Car Pune. Lokesh has over 16 years of experience in mobile and automotive ASIC’s design and verification. Lokesh started his career at Texas Instruments (TI) as a Senior Design Engineer and worked on design and verification of high … Continued

Lokesh Babu Pundreeka, AE Director, System Verification Group, Cadence has been confirmed as a speaker at Connected Car Pune.

Lokesh has over 16 years of experience in mobile and automotive ASIC’s design and verification. Lokesh started his career at Texas Instruments (TI) as a Senior Design Engineer and worked on design and verification of high speed emulation chip and 802.11 a/b/g WIFI chips.

Over the last 11 years at Cadence, he has been driving the system verification application Engineering team, which is primarily focused on new methodologies like assertion based formal verification, UPF/CPF/1801 based low power methodology, automotive ISO26262 functional safety and security and portable test and stimulus slandered (PSS).

About Connected Car Pune

Organised by AUTOMOTIVE MEGATRENDSConnected Car Pune is a one-day conference dedicated to the stakeholders responsible for the technology behind the connected car, and the services that connectivity facilitates. Featuring two industry keynotes, two high-level panel discussions, 20+ speakers and over 250 delegates, Connected Car Pune will bring together key automotive industry stakeholders to network and discuss the technologies and trends central to the evolution of the connected car.

Connected Car Pune takes place on 29 November 2017 at The Westin Hotel, Pune, India.

To register, please go to:

For further details on this event, please contact the event manager, Emma Georgiades: / +44 (0) 2921 286 515

AUTOMOTIVE MEGATRENDS conferences are designed to connect and inform the stakeholders who are shaping the automotive industry over the next decade and beyond.

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