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Toyota’s global sales and production up year-on-year in September

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces its sales, production, and export results for September 2020, as well as the cumulative total from January to September 2020 and the first half of fiscal year, including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu

Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, which broke out early this year, Toyota has maintained corporate activities by implementing comprehensive measures to prevent infection and working in close cooperation with business partners including suppliers and dealers. In addition to these measures, Toyota has enjoyed the support of customers around the world who use Toyota vehicles, and as a result, in September both global sales and global production recovered and exceeded the previous year’s levels.

Global Sales

  • Results in September were driven primarily by sales in the U.S. and China, and global sales were up approximately 2 percent year-on-year.

    The market as a whole is trending toward recovery, and sales of the Camry, RAV4, and Lexus brand models were strong, resulting in a 16 percent year-on-year increase.


    In addition to local motor shows and other measures to draw customers to dealers and enhanced measures to secure orders, strong sales of the Corolla, Levin, and other models also had an impact, and as a result, sales were up approximately 25 percent year-on-year, the sixth consecutive month of year-on-year increases.

  • From April to September, global sales were down approximately 19 percent, exceeding forecasts.*

* April – Junedown approximately 40 percent, July – Septemberdown approximately 15 percent, October – Decemberdown approximately 5 percent, January – Marchup approximately 5 percent; it was anticipated that sales would return to the previous year’s level from the end of this year to the beginning of next year (released at the time of the financial results announcement for this year).

Global Production

Results in September were driven primarily by production in China and Japan, and production was up approximately 12 percent year-on-year.

Strong sales of the Levin and Corolla had an impact, and production was up approximately 49 percent year-on-year.

In addition to the recovery of the global market, sales in Japan of new models including the Harrier and Yaris were strong, and production was up approximately 4 percent year-on-year.

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces its sales, production, and export results for September 2020, as well as the cumulative total from January to September 2020 and the first half of fiscal year (from April to September 2020), including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. and Hino Motors, Ltd.

September 2020

Sales Results

Record high Toyota Daihatsu Hino Record high Total
Worldwide sales 837,049(1.9) 65,512(-22.5) 13,846(-22.5) 916,407(-0.8)
Sales inside of Japan
Incl. minivehicles 149,705(-8.2) 57,551(-19.3) 6,407(-11.6) 213,663(-11.5)
Market share 31.9(+2.1)     45.5(+1.4)
Excl. minivehicles 147,008(-7.7)      
Market share 50.1(+4.3)      
Sales outside of Japan 687,344(4.4) 7,961(-39.9) 7,439(-30.0) 702,744(3.0)

Worldwide sales: First increase in nine months;
Sales inside of Japan (incl. minivehicles): Twelfth consecutive month of decrease;
Sales outside of Japan: First increase in nine months

Worldwide sales: First increase in nine months;

Sales inside of Japan(incl. minivehicles): Twelfth consecutive month of decrease;
Sales outside of Japan: First increase in nine months<

Production Results

Record high Toyota Daihatsu Hino Record high Total
Worldwide production 841,915(11.7) 121,483(-10.1) 10,459(-37.2) 973,857(7.6)
Production inside of Japan 305,628(4.5) 91,818(9.5) 9,681(-29.0) 407,127(4.4)
Production outside of Japan 536,287(16.3) 29,665(-42.2) 778(-74.1) 566,730(10.0)

Worldwide production: First increase in nine months;
Production inside of Japan: First increase in twelve months;
Production outside of Japan: First increase in nine months

Worldwide production: First increase in twelve months;
Production inside of Japan: First increase in twelve months;
Production outside of Japan: First increase in sixteen months

Exports Results

Record high Toyota Daihatsu Hino Record high Total
Exports 177,371(0.1) 0(―) 3,842(-47.9) 181,213(-1.8)

First increase in ten months

First increase in ten months

Unit Vehicles. Figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change. Market share: Percentage. Figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage points.
Worldwide sales: Sales inside of Japan + Sales outside of Japan
Sales inside of Japan: Registrations + Notifications (incl. overseas-manufactured models)
Sales outside of Japan: Definition of “sales” varies by country or region
Worldwide production: Production inside of Japan + Production outside of Japan
Production inside of Japan: Complete vehicle + Kits for overseas assembly (figure as of line-off in Japan)
Production outside of Japan: Vehicles produced outside of Japan, excluding kits from Japan (figure as of line-off on site)
Exports: Exports from Japan to other countries and regions (figure as of time of ship loading)

◎ shows a record high for a single month, and ○ shows a record high for the corresponding month

For January to September 2020

Sales Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Worldwide sales 6,076,468(-16.4) 503,307(-22.6) 103,482(-27.4) 6,683,257(-17.0)
Sales inside of Japan
Incl. minivehicles 1,092,681(-13.7) 428,859(-17.8) 45,943(-18.6) 1,567,483(-15.0)
Market share 32.1(+1.6) 46.1(+1.7)
Excl. minivehicles 1,069,779(-13.5)
Market share 50.2(+3.1)
Sales outside of Japan 4,983,787(-16.9) 74,448(-42.1) 57,539(-33.1) 5,115,774(-17.7)

Production Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Worldwide production 5,480,709(-19.9) 841,984(-23.6) 94,022(-38.4) 6,416,715(-20.8)
Production inside of Japan 2,061,357(-21.5) 659,540(-7.2) 79,389(-34.7) 2,800,286(-19.0)
Production outside of Japan 3,419,352(-18.9) 182,444(-53.5) 14,633(-52.9) 3,616,429(-22.1)

Exports Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Exports 1,220,517(-23.9) 0(―) 30,117(-53.4) 1,250,634(-25.0)

For April to September 2020

Sales Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Worldwide sales 4,011,479(-19.0) 290,393(-29.1) 64,436(-31.3) 4,366,308(-19.9)
Sales inside of Japan
Incl. minivehicles 670,597(-18.3) 255,365(-22.4) 28,307(-21.1) 954,269(-19.5)
Market share 33.0(+1.8)     47.0(+1.8)
Excl. minivehicles 655,016(-18.2)      
Market share 51.7(+3.5)      
Sales outside of Japan 3,340,882(-19.1) 35,028(-56.7) 36,129(-37.7) 3,412,039(-20.1)

Worldwide sales: First decrease in nine years;
Sales inside of Japan (incl. minivehicles): First decrease in two years;
Sales outside of Japan: First decrease in five years
Worldwide sales: First decrease in five years;
Sales inside of Japan (incl. minivehicles): First decrease in two years;
Sales outside of Japan: First decrease in five years

Production Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Worldwide production 3,501,041(-23.1) 463,394(-36.2) 52,927(-44.3) 4,017,362(-25.2)
Production inside of Japan 1,262,881(-26.4) 398,733(-13.9) 47,777(-37.8) 1,709,391(-24.2)
Production outside of Japan 2,238,160(-21.1) 64,661(-75.4) 5,150(-71.6) 2,307,971(-26.0)

Worldwide production: First decrease in two years;
Production inside of Japan: First decrease in two years;
Production outside of Japan: Two consecutive year of decrease

Worldwide production: First decrease in five years;
Production inside of Japan: First decrease in two years;
Production outside of Japan: Two consecutive year of decrease

Exports Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Exports 741,828(-30.3) 0(―) 16,114(-62.3) 757,942(-31.6)

First decrease in four years

First decrease in four years

To view more information on the sales, production, and export results by country and region, including specific details on the reasons for any changes in results, data from the past 10 years of sales, production, and export results, and data concerning electrified vehicle sales and Lexus sales, please download the document titled “Detailed data” from the top of this page.

This document also includes sales, production, and export results and data concerning electrified vehicles sales and Lexus sales for every month in the past two years.

Click here for detailed sales, production, and export results (“Detailed data (Excel)”)

SOURCE: Toyota

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