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Visteon to present at Deutsche Bank’s 2018 Global Auto Industry Conference on Jan. 16

Visteon Corporation (Nasdaq: VC), a leading global supplier of vehicle cockpit electronics, will present at Deutsche Bank’s 2018 Global Auto Industry Conference at the MGM Grand in Detroit on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Visteon’s presentation will begin at approximately 2:45 p.m. ET and is expected to last about 40 minutes. Sachin Lawande, president and CEO, and … Continued

Visteon Corporation (Nasdaq: VC), a leading global supplier of vehicle cockpit electronics, will present at Deutsche Bank’s 2018 Global Auto Industry Conference at the MGM Grand in Detroit on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Visteon’s presentation will begin at approximately 2:45 p.m. ET and is expected to last about 40 minutes.

Sachin Lawande, president and CEO, and Christian Garcia, executive vice president and chief financial officer, will provide an overview of the company’s strategy, financial profile and related matters. A live audio webcast, along with the presentation material and other supplemental information, will be accessible through Visteon’s website at A replay will be available following the event.

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