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Suzuki announces FY2021 vehicle recycling results in Japan

Suzuki Motor Corporation has announced the results of vehicle recycling for Parts Specified for Recycling, etc. (1. Automobile shredder residue (ASR), 2. Airbags, 3. Fluorocarbons) for FY2021 (April 2021 to March 2022) in Japan, based on the Japan Automobile Recycling Law

Suzuki Motor Corporation has announced the results of vehicle recycling for Parts Specified for Recycling, etc. (1. Automobile shredder residue (ASR), 2. Airbags, 3. Fluorocarbons) for FY2021 (April 2021 to March 2022) in Japan, based on the Japan Automobile Recycling Law*1 as per below.

1. ASR

  • – 59,488.6 tons of ASR were collected from 429,976 units of end-of-life vehicles
  • – Recycling rate was 96.4%, exceeding the legal target rate of 70%

2. Airbags

  • – 1,675,898 units of airbags were collected from 370,660 units of end-of-life vehicles
  • – Recycling rate was 95.1%, exceeding the legal target rate of 85%

3. Fluorocarbons

  • – 78,204.5kg of fluorocarbons were collected from 391,281 units of end-of-life vehicles

In line with the legal mandate, Suzuki is responsible for promoting appropriate treatment and recycling of ASR, airbags, and fluorocarbons through the recycling fee deposited from customers.

Recycling fees and income generated from the vehicle-recycling fund totalled 4,130 million yen. The total cost of recycling these materials was 3,850 million yen, contributing to a net surplus of 280 million yen.
For the promotion of vehicle recycling, Suzuki contributed a total of 180 million yen from the above net surplus, to the Japan Foundation for Advanced Auto Recycling. Also, 90 million yen were contributed for the advanced recycling business of the Company, which developed a technology to reuse small lithium-ion batteries collected from ELVs for solar-powered streetlights.

Suzuki will continue to promote advanced recycling business toward a recycling-oriented society that makes effective use of resources, as well as work to achieve a balance in overall recycling costs in the mid to long term.

*1 Law Concerning Recycling Measures of End-of-Life Vehicles

SOURCE: Suzuki

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