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Battery power with hydropower: j+ pilot enables real-time charging with green electricity

The j+ pilot app integrates Juice Power for the use of clean electricity

Juice Technology AG, manufacturer of charging stations and software, a leader in mobile charging stations for electric vehicles, is using the j+ pilot app to make charging with renewable energy possible. With the software integration from Juice Power AG, guaranteed sustainably produced electricity can be fed into the battery at the same time as the charging process.

Having clean electricity in the battery is the wish of many e-car drivers. Thanks to Juice Power, everyone now has the opportunity to charge their vehicle battery with a verifiably clean stream of water in the same second it is generated in the power plant. In contrast to ordinary green electricity, the user actually gets what he pays for: guaranteed regenerative energy.

Green electricity is often only green on an annual basis

Electricity comes from different producers over the same line, but has neither color nor taste. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish how clean the consumed electricity actually is. The solution is a temporal coupling of generation and consumption. Christoph Erni, founder and CEO of Juice Technology AG explains: “Instead of physically laying a line from the power plant to the user, at Juice Power we do it simply with electronic control in real time.” The car communicates directly via the j+ pilot app via the backend the power generator, so that at the exact same time that the car draws power, the amount of power used is debited directly from the selected power plant. In contrast to pure certificates or proofs of origin for green electricity, Juice Power can guarantee natural electricity in real time.

Erni: “Energy suppliers then offer ‘pure hydropower’, but at the time of purchase they are supplying electricity from coal or nuclear power. This begs the question: How can this work? The explanation is shocking: in reality, certificates for natural electricity are often just window dressing. Ordinary green electricity is generated regardless of the time of consumption and is therefore purely green in terms of the balance sheet – often only in terms of the annual balance sheet. This industry-standard procedure fools the electricity user into thinking something is wrong and does not help the environment at all. Juice Power in the j+ pilot app clears up this misnomer.”

A Juice Power plan is also useful for owners of PV systems. If you generate the charging current at home with your own PV system, you can only use it with a time delay if you have your own energy storage device. If, on the other hand, the electricity is not fed into the battery during the day but into the grid, the production peaks are only amplified. And anyone who thinks that they can charge the vehicle battery with renewable energy at night using a natural electricity tariff must assume that fossil or nuclear power is actually being charged. However, to ensure that driving an electric car is always emission-free, the formation of pollutants must not simply be outsourced to gas or coal-fired power plants or nuclear reactors. In order to close this gap, the Juice Power Plan offers the security of being able to charge with guaranteed green electricity at any time,

j+ pilot as the key to Juice Power

Renewable energy can only be charged into the battery at the same time as it is fed in if generation and demand are coordinated. The j+ pilot app therefore precisely registers the charging time and the amount of electricity charged and compares the data with the power plants involved. With a quota for green electricity generated in real time, every j+pilot user can easily compensate for their own charging current via the app. With each charging process, the corresponding amount of electricity is debited from the personally purchased contingent and the user can track directly in the app from which clean power plant the electricity comes at any given moment. Juice Power guarantees the simultaneity of feed-in and consumption with the SQS-certified TrueTime label. From now on, all journeys will always be CO2-neutral.

Production takes place in classic hydroelectric power plants, which use the energy potential that is already available and can generate clean energy around the clock. Unlike photovoltaic systems or wind farms, for example, they produce more constantly. For this reason, Juice Power supports hydroelectric power plants across Europe with the aim of generating as much electricity from their own plants in the near future as Juice Power customers consume in real time.

The most important things at a glance:

  1. Natural electricity at a fixed price: via the j+ pilot app, Juice Power offers an upgrade to certified sustainable electricity from hydropower in quotas of 1,000 kWh (corresponds to a driving distance of around 5,000 km), 2,000 kWh (around 10,000 km) and 4,000 kWh (around 20,000 km). km) at 20, 40 and 80 euros. This ensures that e-car drivers can charge green electricity anytime and anywhere.
  2. TrueTime label: Unlike usual, the electricity is effectively ecological and not just on the balance sheet. The TrueTime label guarantees that the electricity is produced and fed into the grid at the same time as consumption in a classic hydroelectric power plant.
  3. j+ pilot: The electricity production can be monitored using the j+ pilot app. In this way it can be determined how much electricity is available at any given moment. The universal app for electromobility provides a complete evaluation of all important vehicle and charging data concentrated in one place and presented clearly. It provides an overview of all charging processes, including costs and electricity origin. For the analysis of the energy consumption, the stationary consumption is also determined, the so-called vampire drain. There is also a trip analysis and an automated electronic logbook.

SOURCE: Juice Technology

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