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TMC announces results for February 2017

Toyota Motor Corporation announces its production, domestic sales, and export results for February 2017, including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., and Hino Motors, Ltd. February 2017 Results Unit = vehicles; figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total Production in Japan*1 Passenger cars 249,938(23.7) 64,749(32.1) ―― 314,687(25.4) Trucks & … Continued

Toyota Motor Corporation announces its production, domestic sales, and export results for February 2017, including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., and Hino Motors, Ltd.

February 2017 Results
Unit = vehicles; figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change
Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Production in Japan*1
Passenger cars 249,938(23.7) 64,749(32.1) 314,687(25.4)
Trucks & buses 26,680(22.0) 15,110(0.8) 12,500(13.8) 54,290(13.5)
Total 276,618(23.6) 79,859(24.8) 12,500(13.8) 368,977(23.5)
Sales in Japan*2
Passenger cars 136,738(30.0) 42,625(-8.2) 179,363(18.3)
Trucks & buses 14,718(10.1) 12,373(0.1) 5,284(6.9) 32,375(5.6)
Total 151,456(27.7) 54,998(-6.5) 5,284(6.9) 211,738(16.1)
Passenger cars 127,618(17.5) 0 127,618(17.5)
Trucks & buses 13,288(13.8) 5,992(-1.6) 19,280(8.6)
Total 140,906(17.1) 0 5,992(-1.6) 146,898(16.2)
Outside of Japan*3
468,052(6.3) 34,348(48.2) 2,767(13.0) 505,167(8.4)
744,670(12.1) 114,207(31.0) 15,267(13.7) 874,144(14.3)
*1Includes kits for overseas assembly; *2includes overseas production; *3excludes kits from Japan

February 2017 Key Points (year-on-year)

Production in Japan


  • First increase in three months


  • Tenth consecutive month of increase


  • First increase in two months

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino

  • Fourth consecutive month of increase

Sales in Japan


  • Fourth consecutive month of increase
  • Lexus vehicle sales totaled 3,672 units (12.3 percent decrease)
  • Minivehicle sales totaled 2,484 units (2.7 percent increase)
  • 47.7 percent share of market excluding minivehicles (5.5 percentage point increase)
  • 31.2 percent share of market including minivehicles (5.0 percentage point increase)


  • Decreased
  • Minivehicle sales totaled approximately 54,000 units (7.9 percent decrease)
  • 31.3 percent share of minivehicle market (2.0 percentage point decrease)


  • Fourth consecutive month of increase
  • Standard truck sales totaled approximately 2,800 units (4.8 percent increase); fourth consecutive month of increase
  • 39.9 percent share of the truck* market (0.01 percentage point increase)

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino

  • Fourth consecutive month of increase
  • 43.7 percent share of market including minivehicles (3.3 percentage point increase)

*Maximum loading capacity of four tons or more; excluding imported trucks



  • First increase in six months; due to increased exports to all regions


  • There have been no exports since February last year


  • Decreased; due to decreased exports to North America, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino

  • First increase in six months

Production Outside of Japan


  • Second consecutive month of increase; due to increased production in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa; record high for the month of February


  • Tenth consecutive month of increase; due to increased production in Indonesia


  • Eleventh consecutive month of increase; due to increased production in Asia

Toyota + Daihatsu + Hino

  • Fourth consecutive month of increase; record high for the month of February
Year to Date (January 1 to February 28, 2017)
Unit = vehicles; figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change
Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Production in
526,439(8.9) 148,932(26.0) 23,541(6.6) 698,912(12.1)
Sales in Japan*2 269,755(16.4) 103,149(-3.6) 9,664(9.1) 382,568(10.0)
Exports 262,242(1.2) 0 11,357(-2.8) 273,599(1.1)
Outside of Japan*3
943,129(5.5) 66,391(49.1) 5,795(27.1) 1,015,315(7.7)
1,469,568(6.7) 215,323(32.3) 29,336(10.1) 1,714,227(9.4)
*1Includes kits for overseas assembly; *2includes overseas production; *3excludes kits from Japan

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