Tata Motors today launched ten new state-of-the-art full-range passenger vehicle showrooms in Delhi NCR, which includes seven in Delhi, two in Gurgaon and one in Faridabad. With these additions, a total of 29 outlets will now cater to a larger customer group in the region, giving them access to the stunning and wide range of Tata Motors’ New Forever passenger cars and UVs and services. Expanding its class leading automotive experience, the inauguration of these facilities is in line with Tata Motors’ retail acceleration strategy.
Inaugurating these dealerships, Mr. Rajan Amba – Vice President, Sales, Marketing & Customer Care, PVBU, Tata Motors said, “This expansion drive comes on the back of a robust sales performance as we registered highest ever annual sales in 8 years, while posting a growth of 69% in FY21, over FY20. In line with our retail expansion plans, we are elated to inaugurate ten new outlets in Delhi NCR in a single day. Our ‘New Forever’ range of products continue to witness strong acceptance in the market and the addition of new network operations across the country will provide a holistic customer experience – both online & offline, as we cater to their evolving needs.”
Equipped with the latest technology, advance mechanization and automation, these new showrooms will provide unparalleled customer experience with workshops for faster service turnaround and retail Tata Motors’ New Forever PV line-up. Tata Motors aims to increase its reach aggressively and through these dealerships it will continue to offer best value and experience to customers.
SOURCE: Tata Motors