SKF’s office in Pune, India has been awarded the highest possible LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating – Platinum – by the Indian Green Building Council.
Designed with a focus on energy and water efficiency, the building’s envelope material and lighting help it exceed LEED’s baseline building standards by approximately 60%. In total, 65% of the building’s electricity comes from roof-top solar panels and at peak office hours, it is energy neutral, as 100% of its power requirement is drawn from solar energy.
Rob Jenkinson, Director, Corporate Sustainability, says, “Since 2010, we have built and had certified a total of thirteen facilities on four continents according to the LEED standard. This is the fourth LEED certificate in India and another example of the steps we take at SKF to reduce environmental impacts and operating costs over time.”
SKF has a long standing focus on sustainability – defined by the BeyondZero strategy. LEED-certification is just one example of many actions taken to reduce environmental impacts along the full value chain. Another example is the Group’s focus on energy and carbon saving solutions within its own manufacturing, logistical and purchasing operations. SKF’s absolute energy use has been reduced by 15% since 2006, during which time the Group’s sales have grown by 30%.