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Open source framework for (automotive) system modelling and simulation simarchitect released

HAN University of Applied Sciences and TNO are happy to announce the official release of SIMarchitect as a result of their cooperation

HAN University of Applied Sciences and TNO are happy to announce the official release of SIMarchitect as a result of their cooperation. SIMarchitect, an open source framework for system modelling and simulation for powertrains as well as other (automotive engineering applications, has been released today.

Both parties believe that this framework can be of significant added value for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well as larger organisations, research and educational institutes as SIMarchitect allows system modelling to become more structured and efficient allowing faster development, demonstration and deployment of applications and results.


The framework supports systems engineers to develop, validate and maintain system models as well as system control algorithms in a Matlab/Simulink® environment. The power of SIMarchitect is its internal data bus structure, unifying interfaces and graphical user interfaces, hence in its combination easing and stimulating re-usability of models and algorithms. Visualisation of simulation results is done via a few mouse clicks. To help users getting started, SIMarchitect will be accompanied by a library of (hybrid) vehicle powertrain component models and default examples.


The release of the SIMarchitect framework marks the realisation of a primary deliverable of the COMBINE project. In this project, HAN Automotive Research is collaborating with over 30 – mainly Dutch SME – partners on efficient, low-threshold solutions for system modelling and simulation. By delivering this solution to the open-source community, TNO and HAN hope to stimulate companies and institutes to use and enrich the solution, while empowering their own and each other’s performances by pre-competitive collaboration.

Please click here to view the full press release.


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