Navistar International Corporation today announced that the company is shipping to customers its first 300 International® ProStar®+ Class 8 on-highway tractors equipped with the Cummins ISX15, achieving another important milestone in the launch of the company’s SCR-based clean engine technology. “Reaching its ‘OK-to-Ship’ milestone on December 14th – 5 days ahead of schedule – demonstrates the tremendous progress we’re making in delivering our first SCR-based Class 8 trucks to the marketplace,” said Troy Clarke, Navistar president and chief operating officer. “Working collaboratively and fully integrated with our Cummins colleagues, the team has beat an aggressive launch timeline while ensuring the highest levels of quality.”
Long-term Partners Join Together as Winning Combination Returns
The Navistar/Cummins relationship is unlike that of any other OEM and engine supplier in the industry. With 75 years of history and collaboration behind its partnership, the Navistar team has worked side-by-side with Cummins engineers to bring the ProStar+ with ISX15 to market. Since announcing its shift to SCR-based clean engine technology this past summer, Navistar has completed rigorous testing and analysis in both its captive and customer field test units, logging hundreds of thousands of driving miles in real-world conditions. Working collaboratively, the teams have been laser-focused on a flawless execution of the launch plan, with a high attention to detail while defining and upholding stringent quality metrics. In fact, first-time quality results for the ISX program are exceeding 98 percent.
With the launch of the ProStar+ with ISX15, an industry-leading offering is making its way back to the market, providing customers with outstanding performance, drivability and fuel economy. As the top-selling Class 8 on-highway truck in the combined U.S. and Canada market from 2008-2010, the ProStar/ISX combination set the standard as the industry’s most aerodynamic and fuel-efficient tractor on the road. Today, that partnership continues and proves yet again that the ProStar+ not only sets the industry standard, but it also continually strives to exceed it.
The International ProStar+ with MaxxForce® 13 and Cummins Emission Solutions SCR-based aftertreatment system is on-track for initial pilot production in March 2013 with regular production to begin in April 2013. The remaining line-up of heavy-duty truck models will transition to SCR-based clean engine technology in a phased launch throughout 2013 based on volume and customer demand.