In its ninth episode, the Meet Mercedes DIGITAL news format is dedicated to the digitalised automobile production of Mercedes-Benz and MO360. The new digital ecosystem of Mercedes-Benz Cars Operations (MO) comprises a family of software applications and makes complex vehicle production completely transparent and maximally efficient. This is achieved, for example, through integration and big-data analysis of data from the more than 30 plants around the world as well as with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Mercedes-Benz expects the use of MO360 to increase production efficiency by more than 15% by 2022. Jörg Burzer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz AG, responsible for Production and Supply Chain Management, and Jan Brecht, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Daimler and Mercedes-Benz, give presenter Yasmine Blair insights into how the innovative digital ecosystem works and explain its advantages using illustrative examples. The audience will also learn how the joint software engineering of the MO production specialists and IT experts from Daimler laid the foundation for the successful development of MO360. “Meet Mercedes DIGITAL #9: MO360 – Digital production @ Mercedes-Benz” will be broadcast in a media special on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. (CEST) on the digital platform Mercedes me media, at and will then be available as video on demand.
For 30 years, the digitalisation of in-house production has been an important success factor for Mercedes-Benz. The new MO360 digital ecosystem is a milestone in this process. It was developed in close cooperation between the production specialists at Mercedes-Benz Cars Operations and the IT experts at Daimler. Large parts of the modular and expandable ecosystem are already in use in more than 30 plants around the world. In the new Factory 56 in Sindelfingen, which will open in September of 2020, MO360 will be used in full for the first time.
MO360 integrates information from the most important production processes and IT systems of the plants and combines important software applications. These include the QUALITY LIVE quality management system and the SFMdigital shop floor management system. For example, MO360 significantly optimises production control based on key figures. On the other hand, it provides each employee with individual and need-based information and work instructions in real time. State-of-the-art cloud solutions provide scalability and enable extensive big-data processing. All this makes MO360 the central ecosystem of Mercedes-Benz Cars Operations. It is also the new benchmark for highly digitalised automobile production. Further applications will be successively integrated into MO360, for example with predictive maintenance at all Mercedes-Benz plants worldwide.
Launched in May, the Meet Mercedes DIGITAL series is an innovative news format on Mercedes me media. With regular episodes in the style of a news bulletin, it presents current topics, goes in-depth and provides expert analysis. The moderated shows encompass studio discussions and reports from production facilities or test tracks. Each topic is accompanied by in-depth information available for download in the form of videos, press texts and images.
SOURCE: Daimler