7.5 rubles per kilometer of mileage – this is the cost of owning the LADA XRAY car. And this is the best result on the Russian market, according to the “Total Cost of Ownership of Car – 2021” study conducted by the “AUTOSTAT” analytical agency.
During the study, AUTOSTAT experts estimated the cost of ownership of cars of 33 brands popular in Russia– in total, more than 150 models took part in the rating. Statistics take into account the main expenses, in addition to buying a car, these are insurance, transport tax, winter tires, maintenance, fuel. The calculation period is 3 years and the total mileage makes 45,000 km; the age of the owner (35 years) and driving experience (10 years) were taken into account as well.
The results of the rating were summed up by market segments. LADA cars are leading both in their “B” class and in the market as a whole. After LADA XRAY, the second and third lines in the list are taken by the LADA Granta and LADA Vesta cars. The cost of Granta family models is 7.6 rubles per kilometer of mileage, data for LADA Vesta is 7.7 rubles /km.