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Dearmans place in California’s air quality goals

The Dearman-Hubbard transport refrigerated system is well placed to provide a solution for reducing TRU emissions

With California setting stricter rules on refrigerated transport as part of the Clean Air Act- which is a United States Federal law designed to control air pollution on a national level- the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for example has been charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change. The Dearman-Hubbard transport refrigerated system is well placed to provide a solution for reducing TRU emissions.

Since 1998 more than $900 million in programme grants from the Carl Moyer Programme have cleaned up over 50,000 engines, reducing oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and reactive organic gases (ROG) BY 178,000 tons and toxic diesel particulate matter (PM) by 6,500 tons. As an example of the impact the Dearman-Hubbard system can have on proactive air quality action against polluting older TRUs, Dearman and Leeds City Council demonstrated that the liquid nitrogen powered Dearman-Hubbard TRU could save 70% of all emissions from transport refrigerate units in Leeds.

For fleet operators wanting to replace vehicles, retrofit older models, or purchase zero emission alternatives the Dearman-Hubbard system represents a cost effective, powerful solution and with the CARB’s grant funding scheme offers real world incentives to take advantage of.

Please click here to view the full press release.

SOURCE: Dearman

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