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Continental Structural Plastics recognizes five facilities for excellence in environmental, health & safety practices

In recognition of the organization’s continued growth and enhanced focus on environment sustainability as well as health and safety, the awards program was expanded in 2019

Continental Structural Plastics, a world leader in light weight composite technologies to the automotive industry, today announced the winners of its 2019 Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Awards program. In recognition of the organization’s continued growth and enhanced focus on environment sustainability as well as health and safety, the awards program was expanded in 2019. Awards are now given based on plant size, and a new award was added – the Sustainability Award – given to a plant that exemplifies the company’s values in EH&S standards. This year’s winners are:

  • Most Improved EH&S Program, small facility – CSP Victall, Tangshan, China
  • Most Improved EH&S Program, large facility – CSP Saltillo, Mexico
  • Best EH&S Program, small facility – CSP Sarepta, Louisiana
  • Best EH&S Program, large facility – CSP Tijuana, Mexico
  • EH&S Sustainability Award – CSP Lenoir, North Carolina

CSP’s EH&S Awards Program is an elite, behavioral-based recognition program to acknowledge thriving CSP facilities for their commitment and contributions to employee safety, the environment, the community in which they reside and overall EH&S program excellence. Led by the Corporate Director of Health and Safety, Dina Graham, the program recognizes and celebrates the outstanding contributions of employees to the achievement of the mission and vision of CSP. To be eligible for the awards, the nominees must demonstrate:

  • Reduction in workplace hazards
  • Increase in near miss reporting
  • No significant injuries
  • Exceptional Environmental and Safety Audits
  • Implementation of job safety improvements
  • No chemical spills or releases to the environment
  • No enforcement actions during the year to the time of the award announcement
  • Criteria for the specific awards is as follows:

Most Improved EH&S Program Award – Large Facility (more than 250 employees); Small Facility (less than 250 employees) – Awarded to the plant that has exemplified significant improvement in EH&S performance from 2018 to 2019.

Best EH&S Program – Large Facility (more than 250 employees); Small Facility (less than 250 employees) – Awarded to a plant that has worked diligently to successfully embed EH&S as a core value by integrating it into every aspect of work and were able to demonstrate not only their commitment to worker safety but a consistent improvement in performance.

EH&S Sustainability Award – Awarded to a plant that exemplified the Company’s values by focusing on reducing its environmental impact and protecting the health and safety of employees during a 3-year cycle. The winner has achieved business excellence through the integration of EH&S management into business operations.

“My goal for CSP is to achieve zero injuries. I want each and every employee to go home safe and well after every shift, every day,” said CSP CEO Steve Rooney. “Success comes from leadership-driven, employee-embraced safety programs that actually change the culture of the workplace. These winning facilities have demonstrated a commitment to achieving a 100 percent safe working environment.”

“At the same time,” Rooney continued, “we are taking a closer look at the long-term environmental impact of our operations, which is why we’ve added the Sustainability Award. This award will recognize facilities that have improved their safety records, reduced their environmental impact, and achieved positive business results over the long-term. This is not easy and requires a committed, dedicated management team and staff. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners.”

Each of the winning facilities will celebrate with a formal, on-site awards luncheon with Rooney and Graham, and will receive an engraved award to showcase at their facility.

SOURCE: Continental Structural Plastics

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