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Ad-hoc announcement: Preliminary Key Financial Performance Figures of BMW AG for the first quarter 2021 exceed market expectations

BMW AG reports sales growth in all significant regions of the world, in particular in China, and all brands in the first quarter of 2021

BMW AG reports sales growth in all significant regions of the world, in particular in China, and all brands in the first quarter of 2021. In addition, positive price and mix effects, as well as high demand for pre-owned cars, also lead to key financial performance figures of BMW AG which exceed market expectations in a positive current environment.

Based on preliminary figures for the first quarter 2021, Automotive segment EBIT is €2,236 million (Q1 2020: €229 million), Financial Services segment EBT is €787 million (Q1 2020: €484 million) and Group EBT is €3,757 million (Q1 2020: €798 million). The Automotive segment EBIT margin is 9.8% (Q1 2020: 1.3%).

The positive operating performance and the continued focus on working capital management lead to the free cash flow of €2,522 million (Q1 2020: -2,218 million) in the Automotive segment, also exceeding market expectations.

The definition of the above-mentioned financial indicators is provided on pages 327 and 328 of the BMW Group Report 2020. Further details will be published in the Quarterly Statement for the period to 31 March 2021 on 7 May 2021.


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