Mervin Dunn is the President and Chief Executive of Commercial Vehicle Group (CVG), a role he has held since 2002. At Automotive World’s Commercial Vehicle Megatrends USA 2012 conference, Dunn’s presentation addressed the importance of driver management, and outlined how his company’s products can help to support this. Seating is key to driver satisfaction, he said; noise reduction also plays a key role in improving a driver’s lot, in a job with one of the worst health records of any industry.
In this video interview, recorded on CVG’s booth at the conference, Dunn outlines the company’s activities and product areas, and how CVG can help OEMs and fleets achieve greater efficiency in freight movement. He also discusses CVG’s stated strategy of growth through acquisitions.
Mervin Dunn was talking to Automotive World at Commercial Vehicle Megatrends USA 2012, which took place in Dearborn in June 2012.