Production at Hyundai Motor India’s manufacturing facility in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai in Tamil Nadu, has been hit by a strike. According to a report carried by Business Line, permanent workers at the facility represented by the Hyundai Motor India Employees Union (HMIEU) stopped work to express solidarity with the plant’s logistics workers. Logistics operations at the plant have been outsourced.
The logistics workers have submitted a charter of 41 demands, which includes an increase in wages. R Sridhar, General Secretary of HMIEU, says the union will stage additional action if this issue is not resolved.
The report says work has slowed down in the body shop, and consequently, production at the facility has been affected. The plant produces Hyundai’s Eon, i10, i20 and Santro models.
Sales at Hyundai Motor India fell 7.3% in September 2012 to 53,558 units. This compared with sales of 57,804 units in the same month a year earlier. This drop in sales last month was due to a 14.2% drop in domestic sales, at 30,851 units, which offset a sales gain of 3.9% in exports (22,707 units).